Monday, December 17, 2012

The Battle is NOT yours...

It's been a long time since I posted my last blog! So much has happened in my life in such a short period of time. I've been praying for God to order my steps and take over my life. I figured if I can't control and make sense of situations... surely He can. Ever since school didn't work out these past few semesters, I've handed my problems over to God. I will be starting school in January! I found an online English degree program... whoo hoo! But, all roller coasters have it's ups and downs.

I was kicked out my mom's house at the beginning of November; because she believes that it is my ex's responsibility for our son to see his side of the family and I believe that as his mother it is my responsibility as well. To say nicely, I told her it's that attitude that caused my brother and I not to know who our family was. My parent's family are pretty much in the same city and the little times we went to visit her side, we couldn't go across the tracks to see my dad's side! Crazy I know. I feel bad having to be re-introduced to my family every time I see them. Not knowing what it's like to spend the holidays with family. Worst of all, speaking to my grandmother and she had no idea who I was. That is a painful heartache I will NEVER forget! I want my son to know who his family is regardless of where his dad is. When it boils down to it, they are his blood relatives. She wanted me out the house, so I packed our things and went to dad's. After all "Stand for something or fall for nothing".

I got things going on track where my dad lives. I never really got a chance to know who my dad is. My parents divorced when I was 7. Apparently, my mom didn't let us talk to him or visit like we should have. Long story short, my brother and I grew up thinking that our dad didn't want to be there for us. As I get older I realize that our parents took their resentment out on us. It shouldn't be that way. Well, my step mother didn't want me coming in the first place. She feels that Americans are lazy and they are too easy on their children. She's Russian and I have no idea how they are raised. I don't want to be ignorant about it, but I've seen the movie Salt several times and I have formulated my own ridiculous idea lol. After a month, they sent me back to my mom's. I understand I am 24 and should've been working and blah blah blah, but you will never understand unless you've been in my shoes.

I had a very major surgery back in March 2012. It is now December and I'm just now getting close to fully healing. I was diagnosed with stage 3 Hidradenitis in 2006. It is a very rare, yet common disease that effects your sweat glands. I've had at least 7 major surgeries in all my personal areas.. and I'm still sexy! This last surgery was in my very private area. Luckily, I am cured of the disease and I have the scars to prove it. I haven't worked in over a year because I had a son November 2011 and I take care of him. Recovering from surgery kept me from doing a lot of things, like getting out the house! My mom kept me trapped in the house like Godzilla after it rampaged through New York. I was able to go to doctor's appointments and Wal Mart when asked. Talk about your Cabin Fever! I just prayed. Prayed, prayed, and prayed. While I was at my dad's I was able to drive and get a job. My mom realized that I am capable of picking my life back up. I got to spend a month with my dad which is more time than I've spent with him throughout these 17 years. Even though my son and I have had to move a few times, I'm ok. This battle isn't mine.

My situation shed light on others around me. The strength I have to keep my head held high and the peace I need to keep moving forward gives the ones around me strength to do the same. I figured I'd write a little blog to help those who are near and far. You never know what someone is going through, but I know a smile and reassurance will go a long way. Sometimes God puts us in situations to test our faith. He will never put more on us than we can bear!

God Bless!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

When Life Hands You Lemons...

Everyone has his or her problems and we all encounter our share of bad days. We all know "life is what you make it" and blah blah blah. It's all about how you think when you are OUTSIDE the box. If you did not have what you have where you have it, how will you get it when it's not where you can see it?? You don't know what's out there if you never look!!

When life hands you lemons you can:
1. Throw them bitches back!
2. Man up and eat it through the tart face.
3. Put them in a face with flowers. Make them pretty.
4. Do the usual lemonade.
5. Be a rebel and garnish the vodka!
6. Grow a lemon tree with the seeds to make your own lemons.
7. Collect them in a box and hand them out to other people!
8. Get what you can from it and move on!

See there's a lot you can do with a lemon... even more options than what I listed. Depending on my mood I will probably do all 8, honestly I have. That's how I know! Just find what works for you... Don't be so hard on yourself because you think things aren't going how you want them to. We all have to do something we don't like to do. I know I want green grass, but I won't always want to keep it up; that's when you bring out the good ol' green paint cans! Nobody has to know it's brown underneath! Most people won't even notice it's not right. The ones that do say something... ummm unless they're going to mow it, water it, edge it up, and plant some new new then you don't owe them anything! Not even the simplest explanation or a passing glance.

I had to say something about this topic because too many of my facebook friends have statuses up airing dirty laundry! It's not about the situation; it's about how you handle it! If you really know then you know the battle is not yours.. Ha Hellooo!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Presidential Debate for Birthday Party Host

*My take on how Day 1 of the actual debate that took place last night!!

There is a decision to be made of who will host America's next birthday for the next 4 years. A debate has taken place to see who is the RIGHT man for the job. #Day 1

Topic- Domestic Affairs

Obama (Current Host): "Over these past few years I have made some changes to the themes and party favors. I've focused on the most important- changing the cake recipe so that EVERYONE can enjoy the party and not have to sit out due to pre-existing conditions."

Romney (Challenger): "Obama used boxed yellow cake mix which costs $4.75 a box for just the contents of the box. Not including the icing and things. I'm not gonna do that! We need a more cost efficient ingredient."

Obama: "We're in the process of cultivating newer cooking techniques by growing some of our own ingredients, so we don't have to look overseas. We have our own land to farm on. I think we should cut out unnecessary spending, such as paying the cows to persuade everyone to eat chicken; and using those funds to get training set up to teach them how to work jobs we need now, such as eating nutritous grass in order to produce the finest milk."

Romney: "I agree we should cut the cost on unnecessary spending! Why not just cut China out all together and make ice cubes that the cows can use that allows them to eat and produce?! Obama has been hosting for 4 years and small businesses haven't been able to get what they need to transform grass into ice. I'm not gonna do that! We're gonna provide small businesses with equipment."

Obama: "In order to grow our party sizes for the future, we need to start focusing on the younger generations. Educate them on how to do jobs we already have, such as advertising and promotions. That way we can ensure we will be able to keep the parties continuing for many years to come. The older generations have worked hard and it's time for some of them to retire. I want to afford the less abled to their entitlement of cupcakes with sprinkles. No one should have to go hungry and unhappy because they weren't able to afford a whole cake with candles. The least we could do to help our guests is make sure they are fed and entertained."

Romney: "I'm not to fond of the ObamaBakery and I'm gonna close it down. Everyone should get a whole cake, if you can't afford it- borrow some pieces. We don't need to spend anymore money to bake cupcakes AND provide sprinkles. It took Obama $150 more to provide small baking pans for the cupcakes, not to include the sprinkles, which was an extra $35! If people want sprinkles they can go to Sam's Club."

Obama: "America THINK about it. Wouldn't it cost more money to provide small businesses with advanced equipment when we can use what we have. Why train people to create a concept to create fancy ice cubes. Do the math. That will take $2,000 plus another $5,000. Yes, it creates jobs, but what about the ones that need filling as we speak. The ObamaBakery provides sprinkles. If you go Sam's Club you will be paying $65 a bag per person!"

Romney: "I'm not gonna do that."

Monday, September 24, 2012

I've been Thinking

Right now, I think I've started a sEcOnd alphabet- beginning with AA. I'm a Gemini and my mind changes CONSTANTLY. One of myself is always seeing circumstances and ideas in a different perspective. It is so annoying housing group conferences in such a petite frame! Am I crazy, maybe, or so I've been called. But, not qualified for any institution. LOL!

School didn't work out for me this semester. I transferred last minute to a university and didn't qualify for financial aid due to past institutional credits. Tragic, I know. I was young and dumb- hadn't quite grasped the importance of education. No offense taken, there are many more other schools in the sea. I searched the great states of the U.S in hopes to find another school; found one in Texas. Texas from where I live is like a 15+ hour drive, so I thought "If I could find a curriculum like that closer to home... I'd be a happy camper". Later did I realize... my original school of choice offered the same thing! Ohhhh lol... the things we do when are minds are running only to soon realize it's just a treadmill. Quick glance to see if anyone noticed, to see if you still have your cool points.

We always lose cool points; do we ever gain them back??

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Beginning of my Journey

Yes, yes and yes. 

In every situation in life you either learn from it or you don't. Back in my younger days, I used to take life for what it was and nothing more. Blessed- nonetheless! The older I get, I realized things happen for a reason. It may not be your plan, but it's God's plan. September last year I was fortunate enough to move back in to my mom's house. Didn't want to; I'm 24 and that's not where I saw myself. It was a responsible choice to make, seeing that I was 7 months pregnant at the time. I was out of a job and single! It's all good. I enjoyed my pregnancy... NO MORNING SICKNESS at all; just craved Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice. I had a healthy baby boy at the end of November- he had an innate sleeping scheduled that was consistent! I got lucky, lol. Anyway, as months passed I began to lose friendships left and right. I didn't get out the house much because my mom didn't think my car was safe and equipped to drive her precious grandbaby around. It was too hot outside. Alabama has that humid heat and it can get pretty icky. I had issues with going back to work- should I or shouldn't I... that is the question. Any job I would get I knew that I wouldn't be able to spend as much time with my baby, especially since I wanted to start back school. I'd never see him. I didn't have any immediate bills- family helped with anything I needed for the baby. Still does. But, I'm the type that has to be doing something. I couldn't just sit around watching my son watching me. He'll pick up on the idea that he has to do nothing.
 I decided to start a cleaning business! Mom had a lady come out to clean the house every other week and I would talk to her as she cleaned. The hours sounded great and the job itself seemed flexible. I did all kinds of research on other prospering cleaning businesses and came up with a concept and put it in pursuit. I know that business isn't going to boom right off the bat, but at least it's up and running . In the meantime, I got tired of reading magazines about the same celebrities. Seems like the same articles just different magazine titles. I figured there was waaayyy more interesting: people, places, ideas, and things in my own back yard and beyond. I also began research on starting my own magazine. I love to read and write. I was going to school for Secondary Education- English/Language Arts, but I didn't want so much emphasis on the teaching portion; so, I switched it. Now it's English with a Teacher Certification track. I'm living out my dreams and ideas with my son by my side. I've recently added a restaurant to my repertoire! Details coming soon. I have more business ventures up my sleeves that will reveal themselves in due time. I have so many ideas! It would be a shame to not put them to use. 

I do not plan on getting any business loans! So far I haven't had to. I'm starting all my businesses from the ground up. So far everything is moving right along. Lots of prayer went into them. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Kids Counting Calories

After I graduated from high school, the school systems started transitioning to healthier eating habits; at least in Alabama! You could no longer get candy and soda from the snack machines and the menu got nastier. When I was growing up, I didn't see many huskies around! I was the last generation to grow up playing outside (80's Baby). We played outside from the morning until the streetlights came on! My how times have changed...

I think instead of making kids count calories, they should emphasize physical activity! Kids need a high caloric content because they GROW more than adults do. I played 2-3 sports at a time when I could. I know not everyone is afforded that, but outside time is pertinent. It doesn't take much to make a difference in the health and fitness of a child; and every little thing counts!

Just my opinion...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Welcome Fall

  Written By: Courtney Travis

A time for change is around the corner
When the summer says its goodbyes
The temperature gets cool
The air gets crisp
And smoke ascends to the skies
We welcome in the season of Fall

The leaves soon turn
And dance with a wisp
Swirling through the air
Alongside scents of pumpkin and apple
Mmmm, Oh my what a pair

It's a time to come together
With the family or with a book
Watch a game of football
And assign the baking cook
Pies, pies all around
The kitchen's a busy space
Sit at the table come November
Give thanks for mercy and grace

"Nature does not hurry, 
yet everything takes its place"


Friday, August 17, 2012

The Valley Mix debuts it's First Issue

     As you all should know I've been in the process of editing my own magazine; you probably didn't, but it sure did make a nice opener! It's a local magazine without borders, as in I feature more than what is local to my area of residence. The magazine isn't targeting one specific demographic or gender, just anyone ages 18-35. The first issue turned out quite nicely for someone who has no formal training! I had issues starting out, but I didn't give up, I just expanded. It was going to be exclusive to the Tennessee Valley Area, but I wasn't getting very much participation. I felt like people thought I was a joke since they have never heard of me or The Valley Mix. Who's to blame them when people are tricked into scams on a daily basis?! I didn't ask for any money to be featured, but a lot of people still were skeptical- even my friends! I felt that "it sounds like a wonderful idea, if you can actually pull it off; and if you do I'd love to be a part of it" vibe. Starting my own magazine was something I was very passionate about, and I prayed about it daily. I love to write and I love almost all positive forms of entertainment: fashion, food, poetry, public events, music, crafts, etc. Getting to meet new people and network aren't bad perks either! I've met some amazing people within these last few months. Considering my situation- recovering from surgery, raising a baby (now 8 months) alone, and a car that's a hazard to drive I've been very blessed to have been able to be at the right place at the right time. I see all of those limits as just temporary! I had such a wonderful time compiling together interviews, articles, and photos; not to mention, put in hard work. I hope all of you enjoy reading it about as much as I had developing it. I'm sure everyone is sure to find at least something they like!

Check Out the First Issue of The Valley Mix

Courtney Travis

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Make The Most of Life

Epiphanys Corner contemporary artwork 

   Every day that comes is a chance to do something you've never done before! It doesn't have to any extravagant move because even the smallest gesture can have the biggest impact. There have been so many times, within the past couple months, that have been very beneficial to my career. It all started with an action! "Actions speak louder than words" is more than just a classic expression; it's damn good advice. You can talk about what you are going to do until you are blue in the face, but it's when you act it out that you capture others attention. Not the least bit to say live life for others! If you didn't want others to be impressed or aware, you wouldn't verbalize it in the first place. Life its too short and the world is too big to just stand still. I, like many females, am a very proud mother. I was fortunate enough to travel all over the United States as child; I was born in Hawaii and started school in Alaska. Some people live their entire life in one location. Why limit yourself from all the wonders and attractions?? I'm going to take my son everywhere I've been and more; museums, amusement parks, unique tourist's attractions, you name it! I even want to take him overseas. I'm gonna teach us a foreign language and learn how to play instruments with him. I would like for more people to want to explore life and the positive things it has to offer! If anything be a "Guy Fieri" and take a road trip and guzzle down on some savory sustenance. CONFESSION: I have a pinterest account and I pin until my heart's content. Yes, there are people who make the most of life, and you can find ideas to share! 

Okay, so this blog has just turned into an advertisement for pinterest; which was not at all what it was intended to be. I did confess to being an addict.  No I haven't taken any abuse class. Therefore, I must say farewell 'til we meet again; I must go pinning.

Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm Being Blogged About!

Photo: Chillin with Magazine owner Courtney Travis and Blogger/PR Charlee Mitchell before I performed in Huntsville Al
(left to right) DJ Moss da Beast, Me- Courtney Travis, &
Charlee Mitchell where we first met at the 2nd Annual
Jello Wrestling Competition in Madison, AL.


 Brought to you by Charlee Mitchell of Cincinnati, OH! She an Editor and Blogger of Ohio Artist. Miss Mitchell travels the country with a team of respected Hip Hop Culture Lovers, including: DJ Moss da Beast, Oliver Jackson (CEO of Trucker Bangin Ent), Sy Yung, and many more. It's always nice to meet people whose dreams are larger than life. It takes a lot of faith and self discipline to live out your dream when you feel like the world is against you. The key is to never give up and take one step at a time! I appreciate all of the support I get from them and I'm honored to return the favor. It has been such a pleasure meeting all of them. It was truly a blessed experience!

Moss daBeast is currently in the process of starting his Live from the Elevator Tour. You can find him on just about every social network!

Charlee Mitchell has been writing and editing her own online newspaper and is also available via social media networks as well.

Oliver Jackson is the man to know if you are wanting to be a part of the Music Industry. A long time vet in the music game, Mr. Jackson enjoys mentoring DJs and Artists, teaching values and industry etiquette. Find him on your favorite social site.

Presidential Election 2012: Obama vs Romney

    Four years ago, not necessarily the same day, an eighteen year old girl voted for the first time on the campus of the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. It was the 2008 Presidential Elections and for the first time an African-American male made the! Remarkable. Turn of the century! Barack Obama was deemed 44th President of the United States of America. I've never been one to be into politics, but the older I get the more important it gets. I'm twenty-four years old now and I have a handsome  seven month old son! Still not into politics. I watch a lot of television! I don't remember seeing any other President in the media as much as Obama! I know Ronald Reagan was of the first to appear, but what about the others?? Of course, we all know Clinton had his reasons. I've seen Barack and Michelle everywhere! They've been visiting cities across the nation, helping various charities, following through on Obama Campaigns. It makes me sick when people concoct crap in their heads with negativity towards the Obamas! It took hundreds of years to drag this nation across the valley and into the ground; it will take more than four to fix it up. Barack has done enough within the past four years to prove he deserves another chance.

Personally, I think all the candidates need to come together and come up with solutions to help the United States. We ALL have to live here. No matter what political party you've chosen, for this year, we as a people need to put the right piece to the puzzle! Until we can set aside our differences, I don't think there will be a change. We've come so far! Grab your nearest history book or turn to any history or discovery channel.

We are creating a place for our children to live in. We grew up with the intentions and aspirations that we could be anything we wanted to be, no matter what our gender, age, race, etc. STOP discriminating at Obama's cultural background and see the economy at what it's become! If Barack was not on top of his game he would not be recognized for his accomplishments. Preceding presidents were not as involved in society as the Obama Family has been. You can't run a nation if you do not know the people! 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Then & Now

A local magazine I've started! Go to for more information! 1st issue expected to be published mid-Aug 2012...

My cleaning & services business!

A local music production company that I'm helping to start! Find us on Facebook and YouTube!

A long, long, long time ago our country was discovered by many people who were looking to make a change. Taking risk, seeking adventure! We learn in history about the Industrial Revolution. How people built and created businesses to help aid those around them. Question is "How long are we going to be learning the same thing"? I'm pretty sure a lot of events have happened since then that our future generations need to hear about. I feel the history is so far gone that it's leaving little motivation for generations after to make drastic changes! When did our nation become so nonchalant?! I know eventually our U.S History books will be upgraded to accommodate our first African-American President, Barack Obama. What do we as a people have to contribute along side our ever-changing historical background? Don't feel down about any of this! I was wondering if any one else was wondering the same thing! We are all part of the Technical Revolution era. Technology is useful: Business is essential. My hypothesis about the next era... some sort of Entertainment Revolution. From all the complaints I'm getting about today's entertainment, I would not be surprised! Just something to think and or discuss.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Should Wealthy Children Receive Scholarships?

A scholarship is an honor rewarded to student(s) who have exceeded the expectations of certain academic or athletic requirement that is acceptable as a form of payment towards higher education. At least that is how I see it!

I remember being told that good grades and athletic ability are ways to gain college entrance, most every parents dream! It's challenging to be rewarded a scholarship; it takes many years of preparation and responsibility. I read a magazine a few days ago and came across a controversial issue pertaining to Sean "P Diddy" Comb's son Justin, 18. Apparently, Justin was awarded a $54,000 football scholarship to UCLA (Congratulations!). If you do not know who Sean "P Diddy" Combs, he is a hip-hop artist who owns his own label- Bad Boy Records. Money is not hard to come by for him and his family! That being said, his dad is the one with the money; not him. There are parents out there who do have a strong financial situation  that aren't in the entertainment industry. I don't hear people complain about their children receiving scholastic funding.  A scholarship is awarded to the most qualified. Anyone can get one or apply for one, if they meet the eligibility requirements. Why would you accept an award and then give it back or donate it to charity? I mean you can, but you're getting a scholarship obviously it's for school. The money had to be raised and donated some kind of way. Just as one can do for any charity, it doesn't take a certain type of person to give to a good cause. Scholarships are different from financial aid and grants! Students whose parent(s) make over a certain amount of money do not qualify.

In conclusion:
How and what people decide to with their money is their business. The thought of taking away an awarded honor from someone is ridiculous, in this situation- a kid. Really America?! Taking lollipops from the babies.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Son, My life

.:Christopher J Walker:.

My love
         "I love my son more than anything in this world. I knew I was destined for greatness before he came along. When he arrived my purpose became known."

 Some Things I Want My Son to Know
  1. Put God first in everything you do!!!!
  2. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
  3. People are going to talk about you throughout your life; Let them talk.
  4. No one can take your knowledge away from you, Learn all you can!
  5. Don't be afraid to follow the beat of your own drum.
  6. All things materialistic come and go, including people.
  7. Don't worry about pleasing any one but God.
  8. It doesn't hurt to try.
  9. Failure is not an option.
  10. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
  11. Don't settle for less than what you deserve.
  12. Honesty is the best policy!
  13. If the sky was the limit, man would have never discovered the moon.
  14. Cheaters never win.
  15. It's not where you start, but where you finish.
  16. Don't judge a book by its cover.
  17. Always be thankful for what have.
  18. Give thanks to God during good and bad times.
  19. Say what you mean; mean what you say.
  20. Your character develops your reputation.
  21. Don't commit the crime if you're not willing to accept the consequences.
  22. Save money!
  23. Without order there is chaos.
  24. Don't make promises you can't keep.
  25. Life happens when you're too busy making plans.
  26. If you can't continue straight on, go around a corner.
  27. If you're ashamed to take God and I with you, it'd be best to stay put.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Something for My Pretty, Young Moms

Dear PYMs, 

     A baby is blessing in each and every form. Women are the givers of life! A responsibility not to be taken lightly. I'm not fussing to the teen moms or praising the older established mom/wife. This is for the overlooked population, the "single" young adult mother. We're no longer considered dependent, but still need help. That stage in life where most ladies are engulfed in the social scene, education, working, etc. As if it's not hectic enough already add kid(s) in the mix! Having a baby can make or break you. Almost all my friends have kids and none of us are married. We all go through similar baby daddy situations, just in different forms. I never thought my life would turn out this way, when it came to starting a family. Most young mom's pictured life differently as this age. I love my son so much I try not to let unfortunate situations get me down. In my case, his father and I get along great, but unfortunately we aren't together at the moment. When all is said and done MOTHERS are the ones who are providing. My son sees me 24/7. Therefore it is up to me to make sure he grows up with everything he deserves. Question is "How can I do that when I don't have my life together?". Pray about it and get it right. Short term goals have to be set in order for the long term ones to take place. It's different for everybody. I just recommend you start listening to Joyce Meyers! She is awesome and shows you how to apply the word according to your lifestyle. You have to find strength within yourself because being a mommy is the best hardest job a girl can ask for! I just wanted to let you guys know that you can do it! You are a good mother and none of us are perfect at it. Your baby is watching you- BE A GREAT ROLE MODEL!