Thursday, May 24, 2012

Development Challenge

I've been living in the Huntsville/Madison area for about 16 years now. Being a kid, I was upset about moving to Alabama; I can imagine experiencing the change as an adult. Alabama isn't exactly portrayed as a state for entertaining. In movies, it is easy to make us appear to be stuck in the 1800s! Everybody's been running away from this place, as if they'll be forever plagued with lameness. Get REAL. If you don't like it, change it. Plain and simple.
Why does it seem people want life handed to them???
Our forefathers created something from nothing; why can't we? Did you know you can submit suggestions to the local city council?! My fellow neighbors, our mayor is Troy Trulock. He is more than happy to make changes to our community. If you are passionate enough, research ways to get your opinions known. Anything that belongs to you has potential to be renovated! Let your inner visionary be heard. Do not be a complainer especially if you do not plan to solve your issues. 
The 256 area, or any area, within time can become THAT PLACE...

  1. Found out who your city council is.
  2. Write down what you would like to see changed.
  3. Place your comments in a suggestion box at city hall or find out when the next community planning meeting is and see if you can attend
  4. Stay proactive!!!!
Good Luck

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just a Piece of BubbleGum...

You've seen it on television, read via facebook, or got the call... somebody's gotten ROBBED over bubble pieces! WHY?! First of all, what makes you a better person for taking other(s)' property? If it's to seem stronger bubble pieces join a body builder competition, triathlon, ...arm wrestle! Want to show you are a risk taker go to college, start a business, ...lend a helping hand! If you are going to gamble be smart about it. Do something that will benefit you in the end. Whether it's stealing property or ideas- it will not work for you. For instance, you steal a television; well
  1. If you don't have a place to put it...
  2. If you don't have cable...
  3. If it breaks (surely you thought about the warranty on the receipt)
  4. Always a risk of jail time and diagnosis of stupidity. 
I shouldn't have to proceed; you get the picture! It's all bubble pieces. Most regular victims will not replace an item with something of a lesser value. It's a chance to upgrade and install an insane security system that will zap you soon as a toe hits the property line. Do not underestimate; Despicable Me comes to mind hehe. Technology is advanced beyond believe these days. No telling who has a "noisy cricket" or a house souped up like The Smith's residence. If you have to stretch extra and go out of your way to obtain it, THINK. What is it that you have to do? What are the steps involved? It feels better when you prove to yourself you are capable of overcoming even the smallest obstacle. Your mentality might be you need to survive: "I gotta do what I gotta do." Bubble pieces! We all do! No excuse not to do the right thing. I have a son and I want to teach him it is okay to be the good guy. I'm sure every parent wants the best for his or her kids. It takes small steps and foundation to build anything. Don't take, be inspired by others! There are many forms, flavors, and brands of bubblegum; yet they still innovate. Do not fret over green bubble pieces when there are plenty of yellow and blue to go around. Blow your own mind lol :-)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Go big or Not at All

By now, EVERY ONE knows that storms are a part of life- both physically and mentally! What ever you decide to do about it... BE CONFIDENT! Give it your all. If not who will?? I'm sure your friends and other close loved ones care about your feelings, but who really gives a hoot?! Everybody has his or her issues and trying to figure out a means to an end, without someone added. Cry, Kick, Scream, ... EAT if you have to lol. It's all a part of  life's emotional roller coaster. Emotions are just feelings anyway; not a way of life! Find *healthy* ways to make yourself feel better. Remember what life was like before the drugs became a part of your system... hard I know! I had a hard time visualizing myself and I'm not an avid drug abuser. Think of what you told yourself you were going to do. What happened between now and then? Most of us spend the beginning of our life discovering God's wonderful creations and being told "you can be whatever you want". Our teen years we struggled within ourselves as reality settles in. You are lying if you are thinking... I didn't struggle. You may have not put much emphasis on the matter, but you still had to find ways to create self image. As young adult responsibilities unfold, so does the ugly truth! I remember after a month in my own apartment I was the one who :had to buy toilet paper, toothpaste, pay the light bill (after leaving every light on in the place), and everything else I assumed happened. Work. Work. Work. Bills. Bills. MORE BILLS! I and so many of my fellow peers tend to lose sight of happiness. We become work robots and settle for what minimum wage has to offer. Pretend to be excited for the ones that luck up and get a $10 an hour job, when we really want to punch them in the neck. You don't have to go to school- it helps though. Pick up some trades or start your own business! What ever you do GO BIG! Life's too short to be timid. Don't sit around and complain, waiting for the yellow brick road to appear amongst gravel. Bring it!