Saturday, August 11, 2012

Make The Most of Life

Epiphanys Corner contemporary artwork 

   Every day that comes is a chance to do something you've never done before! It doesn't have to any extravagant move because even the smallest gesture can have the biggest impact. There have been so many times, within the past couple months, that have been very beneficial to my career. It all started with an action! "Actions speak louder than words" is more than just a classic expression; it's damn good advice. You can talk about what you are going to do until you are blue in the face, but it's when you act it out that you capture others attention. Not the least bit to say live life for others! If you didn't want others to be impressed or aware, you wouldn't verbalize it in the first place. Life its too short and the world is too big to just stand still. I, like many females, am a very proud mother. I was fortunate enough to travel all over the United States as child; I was born in Hawaii and started school in Alaska. Some people live their entire life in one location. Why limit yourself from all the wonders and attractions?? I'm going to take my son everywhere I've been and more; museums, amusement parks, unique tourist's attractions, you name it! I even want to take him overseas. I'm gonna teach us a foreign language and learn how to play instruments with him. I would like for more people to want to explore life and the positive things it has to offer! If anything be a "Guy Fieri" and take a road trip and guzzle down on some savory sustenance. CONFESSION: I have a pinterest account and I pin until my heart's content. Yes, there are people who make the most of life, and you can find ideas to share! 

Okay, so this blog has just turned into an advertisement for pinterest; which was not at all what it was intended to be. I did confess to being an addict.  No I haven't taken any abuse class. Therefore, I must say farewell 'til we meet again; I must go pinning.

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